Rendering Unconscious welcomes Wanda Canton to the podcast!
Wanda Canton is an artist, facilitator, consultant and researcher. She provides workshops, group courses and individual mentoring exploring how spoken word poetry, rap and creative writing can enhance mental health and social cohesion. She has worked across community projects, mental health services and forensic psychiatric hospitals. Wanda is particularly focused on providing creative sessions for marginalised communities and/or those working/living in challenging environments including statutory mental health and forensic services.
Follow her at Instagram
Wanda Canton is the host and producer of Three Ain’t A Crowd podcast. Check out episodes with Lady Unchained and S. Alfonso Williams, among others.
This episode is also available to view at YouTube:
Also mentioned in this episode, the music of Emil Amos, DJ Spooky
Rendering Unconscious Podcast is hosted by psychoanalyst Dr. Vanessa Sinclair, who interviews psychoanalysts, psychologists, scholars, creative arts therapists, writers, poets, philosophers, artists and other creatives & intellectuals about their process, world events, the current state of mental health care, politics, culture, the arts & more.
Rendering Unconscious is also a book! Rendering Unconscious: Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Politics and Poetry (Trapart Books, 2019).
You can support the podcast at our Patreon:
Become a Patron!Vanessa Sinclair, Psy.D. is a psychoanalyst based Stockholm, who sees clients internationally, specializing in offering quality psychoanalytic treatment remotely and online. Her books include Switching Mirrors (2016), The Fenris Wolf vol 9 (2017) co-edited with Carl Abrahamsson, On Psychoanalysis and Violence: Contemporary Lacanian Perspectives (2018) co-edited with Manya Steinkoler, and Scansion in Psychoanalysis and Art: the Cut in Creation (Routledge 2020). Dr. Sinclair is a founding member of Das Unbehagen: A Free Association for Psychoanalysis.
The track at the end of the episode is “Born To A Story” by Wanda Canton.
Music and video for intro and outro of Rendering Unconscious Podcast by Carl Abrahamsson
Image of Wanda Canton