Rendering Unconscious welcomes Dr. Tracy Sidesinger to the podcast!

Dr. Sidesinger is a New York City-based clinical psychologist, psychoanalytic psychotherapist, and the founder of NYC Depth Psychology. She transforms people’s lives with a refreshingly progressive psychotherapeutic platform. Her unique psychodynamic approach considers matters of the unconscious mind as they manifest in lived life, and how individuals can shift these perceived ingrained dynamics. Within her work, Dr. Sidesinger examines dreams, the creative process, and non-denominational spirituality.

She is the co-founder of The New York Center for Community Psychoanalysis.

Follow her at Instagram

The Museum of Motherhood

Psychotherapy Action Network

Psychology and the Other conference

Jacqueline Rose On Violence and Violence Against Women


This episode also available at YouTube:

Rendering Unconscious Podcast is hosted by psychoanalyst Dr. Vanessa Sinclair, who interviews psychoanalysts, psychologists, scholars, creative arts therapists, writers, poets, philosophers, artists and other intellectuals about their process, world events, the current state of mental health care, politics, culture, the arts & more. 

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Rendering Unconscious Podcast can be found at Spotify, iTunes, YouTube, Vimeo… Please visit for links to all of these sites.

Dr. Sinclair is the author of The Pathways of the Heart (Trapart Books, 2021), Scansion in Psychoanalysis and Art: the Cut in Creation (Routledge, 2020) and Switching Mirrors (Trapart Books, 2016), and the editor of Rendering Unconscious: Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Politics & Poetry (Trapart Books, 2019) Outsider Inpatient: Reflections on Art as Therapy (Trapart Books, 2021) with Dr. Elisabeth Punzi, On Psychoanalysis and Violence: Contemporary Lacanian Perspectives (Routledge, 2018) co-edited with Dr. Manya Steinkoler, and The Fenris Wolf, vol 9 (Trapart, 2017) co-edited with Carl Abrahamsson. 

The track at the end of the episode is “Page 6.2” by Vanessa Sinclair and Carl Abrahamsson from the compilation album “Coven” from Swedish label Highbrow Lowlife.

Music for intro and outro of Rendering Unconscious Podcast by Carl Abrahamsson.

Portrait of Dr. Tracy Sidesinger